Í dag, 20. október, er haldið upp á alþjóðlegan dag flugumferðarstjóra um allan heim. Stjórn FÍF vill óska öllum félagsmönnum innilega til hamingju með daginn og mun bjóða upp á kökur á vinnustöðum flugumferðarstjóra í tilefni dagsins.

Sem virðingarvott og þakklæti fyrir góð störf í þágu flugöryggis hafa alþjóðasamtök flugmanna, IFALPA, sent flugumferðarstjórum eftirfarandi hamingjuóskir með daginn:

IFALPA would like to recognize the contribution air traffic controllers make to the aviation community through their exceptionally dedicated work. Air traffic control has developed from modest beginnings into a highly sophisticated and technology dependent profession.

 Each day, countless aircraft take to the sky, relying on the skill and expertise of air traffic controllers to guide them safely to and from their destinations. The success of flight crews largely depends on the professionalism of air traffic controllers and all those who work alongside them.

 So, thank you to all those who consistently monitor our airways, keeping them safe; your hard work is tremendously appreciated by aviators and passengers alike.